About Mister Hemmings

The team was formed in 1978, this was with local men who had previously danced with the Abingdon Morris and also with other men who were either born locally or have resided in the town for many years. The team has connections with a long line of Abingdon Morris dancers going back many generations and decided to take their name from an earlier dancer “Tom Hemmings”, it is in recognition of his effort and contribution to the Abingdon Morris that the present team decided to call themselves “Mr Hemmings Traditional Abingdon Morris Dancers”.

There is a current repertoire of twelve dances including a solo jig:

  • The Princes Royal.
  • The Girl I Left Behind Me.
  • The Curly Headed Ploughboy.
  • Maid of the Mill.
  • The Duke of Marlborough.
  • The Squire’s Dance.
  • Jockey to the Fair.
  • Constant Billy.
  • Sally Luker.
  • Shepherds Star and Shepherds Hey (Jig)
  • Nutting Girl.
  • Gentleman Jack.

Also documented are “Royal” versions of Maid of the Mill and Jockey to the fair which were performed at Sidmouth Folk Festival in 1983.

The team performs during the summer months from May to September, usually at local fetes, pubs and with other morris sides around the area. On May the 6th, we dance along Ock Street to celebrate Tom Hemmings’ birthday. During the summer, we have a day of dance around Abingdon with other morris sides often joining us on the day.

Please see the diary for this years events.

This short history about the Abingdon Morris was compiled and written by a member of the team since 1981. Thanks go to those for their help in supplying information to enable this website to materialise:

Should you require any further information regarding our team and the Abingdon Morris tradition, please check the Contact Page

Text and photographs are copyright © Mister Hemmings Traditional Abingdon Morris Dancers


Should you require any further information regarding our team and the Abingdon Morris tradition or maybe you feel you would like to give it a try, then please contact Les by email to hemmingsabingdon@gmail.com

We practice during the winter at the The Croft Bar, Abingdon, OX14 2RT (by Peachcroft shops) on Monday evenings at 8pm for an hour between November and April.

You can also find us on Facebook.